4 Critical Baghouse Maintenance Issues to Consider

IAC acknowledges industries’ concerns when it comes to maintenance issues and provides knowledgeable, innovative solutions to your problem.
Safety of Your Personnel
Baghouses, like many “work zones”, can be dangerous places. Only those personnel that should be in a work zone or hazardous area are those that have required training. OSHA confined space entry regulations and first aid equipment and training are just a few of the many issues to be considered when providing a clean, safe, working environment.
Inexperienced Staff and Time Limitation
Baghouse Maintenance staff should undergo regular system operations training. When personnel or machinery is updated and/or replaced it is critical to have training repeated. The limitations of time and staff inexperience should never be an issue.
Lack of Maintenance Records
Detailed documentation of all work performed for compliance reports should always be kept up to date. This documentation may also help with future compliance questions and provide recommendations for future improvements.
Compliance Issues
Routine scheduled maintenance can help prevent inadequate baghouse operation. Poor baghouse operation can have many negative results including but not limited to an increase in emission, a dirty, unsafe work environment, equipment wear and tear and an increase in energy usage.
The IAC Blue Crew Solution: With a service project, scheduled inspection, preventative maintenance program or training seminar at your plant, IAC can help you keep your baghouse operating efficiently and your plant on-line and productive.