Dust Control Solutions for Concrete Plants

IAC Applications Engineer Luis Castano gives a special Tip of the Month for Concrete producers at the 2023 World of Concrete show in Las Vegas, NV.

Usually, concrete producers don’t have a big problem with regard to dusting, except on the cement side. Concrete plants use small silos with bin vent filters on top. These silos are loaded with the pneumatic conveying systems of a truck. If the bin vent on top of the silo isn’t vented properly, the silo will be over pressurized, and will cause a dust emission that is highly visible because it comes from the top of the silo. This is something you don’t want at your concrete plant!

Concrete producers need to pay attention to the bin vent filters on top of their silos. The way to do this is with differential pressure control monitoring and measurement at the ground level so that you can see the bin vent filter is doing its job. If neglected, you will have highly visible dusting, which isn’t good for your operation. IAC has the dusting solutions you need! Contact us today!


See IAC's full line of dust collectors, including bin vent filters, on our Industrial Dust Collectors page.

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