5 Reasons Why Filter Bags Fail Prematurely

1. Design
A common issue when it comes to baghouse design is that the baghouse is designed too small for what it’s intended for. If a baghouse is undersized this can lead to too much air going through the filters. Think of a handheld vacuum trying to clean a giant pile of dust. The filters in the vacuum would clog which would lead to the filters failing.
Another design issue when it comes to the proper size of the equipment is when the dirt evacuation system is not large enough for the application. Improper design of the dirt evacuation system may allow air to flow back into the hopper. Having the air come back into the hopper would lead to dust flowing back up, which could cause the bags to wear.
Inlet design is crucial in order to distribute the air flow evenly. If a poor inlet design is used for the dust collector, then the air flow may cause buildup in an area of the baghouse. The build-up would add large amounts of dust to cling to the filter bags. The dust build-up on the bags would result in the bags needing to be replaced.
2. Operation
During the operation of a baghouse the temperature of the operation should be considered. If temperatures reach a high enough level the filter bags may begin to degrade form the heat.
Incorrect cleaning cycles is often a mistake that is made with filter bags. Filter bags are made of fabric and just like most fabrics the more you clean them, the more they wear down. Think of washing a pair of jeans much too often. You may need to buy a new pair sooner than expected.
A form a build-up that occurs sometimes on filter bags is moisture related. If oils or moisture get into the baghouse they will cause dust to build-up on the filters. This dust created by moisture cannot be removed from the bags, meaning the only solution is to replace them.
3. Maintenance
Developing a consistent maintenance schedule for your baghouse will help to prolong the use of the collector and the filter bags. The maintenance schedule will help to avoid replacing filter bags and other parts within the dust collector.
4. Filter Bags
Three things that should be accounted for when selecting a filter are heat, chemical, and moisture content within the air stream. Keeping an account of what is in the air that will be flowing through the filters will help you when selecting bags for your dust collector.
Re-using bent or broken cages on pulse collectors can create wear points on the filter, and if the cage is broken, you are likely to see wires sticking out. Another bag to cage fit problem that may arise is an improper “pinch” resulting in excessive movement and flexing. This causes early mechanical failure.
5. Installation
Stepping on bags while working can dislodge the snap-band seal. The dislodged seal will result in that bag failing upon being pulsed. This is actually quite common.
Another common installation issue is occurs when the blow pipes are not properly aligned. If the pipe is slightly turned, the pulse holes will not line up over the filter bag. Once the pulsing sequence begins the air will hit at an angle and wear down the bag.