IAC Logs over 350,000 man-hours with zero site incidents

IAC logs over 350,000 man-hours during frac sand project with zero site recordable incidents and zero lost time cases

Commitment to team safety was a fundamental factor for a successful start-up within 24 hours of the original target date.

MISSION, KANSAS, September 26, 2018:  IAC, one of the largest engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract providers for the Frac Sand industry, has recently completed a second phase of a two-phase project for a large Frac Sand producer in Texas. During that project, IAC used a safety-first approach to all job functions and assignments.

IAC is well known for our brand promise to meet our client’s target date, while keeping teams safe. Success is measured across safety, budget, schedule, quality of workmanship and client’s evaluation of their performance.

“No project is considered successful unless it is executed with safety as the number one priority. IAC maintains an Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of 0.70, which is well below the industry target threshold of 1.0.,” said Glenn Smith, Chief Executive Officer at IAC.  “Our yardstick is pretty simple. We make sure every employee returns home in as good of shape as when they started their shift.”

Each phase of the project included commissioning a new 1.5 MMTPY plant. In total, the overall plant rating is 3.0 MMTPY. Now, the client has been able to double their dry plant production.

“Our client has ramped up production rates and is fully compliant. The most recent stack testing was 50% below the allowable emissions limits”, said Bob Carter, President of Frac Sand Operation for IAC. “IAC’s safe operation also contributed to completing the project within one hour of our 4 month original schedule”.

IAC develops a Quality Control / Inspection Plan for every project prior to the start of work. This includes good work practices and details critical hold points to avoid preventable mistakes and costly rework. Field crews are highly experienced, selected by skill set, and are OSHA and MSHA certified.

About IAC: Founded in 1987 Industrial Accessories Company (IAC), is a fast-track, high-technology equipment, EPC Contractor that designs, fabricates, and installs plants and equipment systems to industrial manufacturing companies. As an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract provider serving numerous industries, IAC has delivered countless systems for a wide variety of trusting and satisfied customers. They are fully MSHA and OSHA compliant.


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