Upgrade Tips for Industrial Central Vacuum Systems for Dust Collection

Video transcript: Hi, my name is Luis Castano with an IAC Tip-of-the-Month. This month we will to discuss some details about upgrading an industrial central vacuum system. Many plants have these high vacuum centralized systems where you can plug in and for housekeeping purposes clean up some dust that spilled or clean a machine.
These systems have multiple vent points that are connected via a constant diameter pipe into a filter system and a high vacuum, multistage centrifugal blower, which I’ve depicted here on the whiteboard. Some of these blowers run at -15 inches of mercury. High vacuum so that you can get good suction to do whatever you need to do.
These systems are typically constructed with a cyclone, which then goes into a bottom load pulse jet baghouse, which then goes into a centrifugal blower, and then it goes into a HEPA filter in the case of toxic dust, then out the exhaust. This is a long, complicated system that is probably very expensive.
Now, the point here that we want to explain is that this vacuum centrical blower does not like dust, yet look at how the system is laid out. You’ve got dust being collected on the baghouse filters, but if you have a leak, it’s going to affect the multistage centrifugal blower – in many cases just destroying it, and it has to be replaced, which is not cheap.
A simple solution (as we explained in last month’s tips video) is to put the HEPA filter before the blower, which is a great solution. Another solution we have accomplished, and it’s very useful, is to integrate the cyclone in the pulse jet baghouse’s hopper housing so we have a single discharge, and convert the top of the housing into a walk-in clean air plenum. Now we can use top-load filter bags with snap-bands to get a good, reliable seal in a clean environment.
Integrating the cyclone gets rid of the stand-alone cyclone, along with putting the HEPA filter before the blower obtains much higher reliability, ease of maintenance, and just less headaches overall. What happens in many cases when they are bid is that the manufacturer of the high vacuum blower, which is an expensive piece of equipment, just procures the rest of the central vacuum system components from somebody who’s not that familiar with industrial central vacuum systems.
We are familiar with solutions for industrial central vacuum systems. You can contact us to discuss your needs and we can put a package together for you to solve your problems with maintenance and reliability. If you want to discuss this in more detail, please call us and we’ll be glad to help. Thank you!