Reduce Particulate Buildup in Spray Drying Processes Using Sonic Horns

Reliable material handling is vital in process related industries to achieve efficiency optimization, material uniformity, and debottlenecking. These goals can be upset by poor solids flow. Resins, pellets, grains, powders, wood dust, and many other fine materials are all susceptible to poor flow. Flow problems can occur throughout the plant and seem to always be found in Food & Diary Spray Drying, Air Pollution Control Equipment, and Material Handling Process Equipment.
IAC’s Technical Experts have seen quick fixes across all industries, such as dented up hoppers and duct work with a 12LB sledge hammer not too far away. This practice provides limited results in exchange for thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. In some cases, the equipment can be damaged beyond repair. Most importantly, it does not provide a long-term solution to the agglomerated particles, so they flow freely.
Sonic Horns are a unique product used to enhance material flow and fluidize unwanted particulate buildup. Sonic Horns emit high intensity, low frequency acoustic sound waves that eliminate Arching, Bridging, Ratholing, and Sidewall Buildup. Specific industries and types of build-up require different frequencies, sizes, and materials of construction of horn. IAC’s Technical Experts can listen to your specific material flow issues and guide you to the right Sonic Horn and mounting recommendation for your application.
Specifically for Spray Drying Systems, the Sonic Horn has a proven success in reducing powder build-up on the walls of tower dryers, box dryers, cyclones, baghouses, and conveying ducts for a variety of food and dairy processes. Here is an older, yet still excellent, example of how Sonic Horns are used at one dairy facility to keep process flowing smoothly:
IAC Offers Sonic Horns That Meet USDA & 3A Sanitary Standards
IAC has been providing Sonic Horns for over 25 years in various industries such as Food, Dairy, Spray Dryer Operations, Foundry, Steel, Cement, Carbon, Black, Wood, Grain and more. Each IAC Sonic Horn is shop tested and tuned for maximum performance. For the ease of installation, these products can be shipped with shop installed mounting flanges and custom mating connections to fit each specific application. IAC’s OEM buying power can save costs by rebuilding, testing and servicing all makes and models of used Sonic & Dairy Horns to increase performance as well as provide competitively priced spare parts for most all other manufacturers.