Smart Silo Remote Management System

The Silo Management System (SMS) from IAC’s Smart Plant™ product and services line gives you more traceability through your overall process. Sensors monitor information such as product levels, cycling, and pressures, keeping employees informed of current conditions and any indications of possible issues that may arise.

Similar to the rest of our Smart Plant™ product and services Line, the SMS is a cloud-based industrial IoT system to support the preventative and predictive maintenance of silos. Personnel can safely monitor operations from anywhere via an online dashboard using a cell phone, computer, laptop or tablet. Installation of the SMS on any new or existing equipment is quick and begins transmitting data via the cloud instantly.

The SMS is especially helpful for hard-to-reach equipment, such as bin vents, level indicators, and pressure monitors. Employee safety is improved because the SMS eliminates unnecessary trips to the top of silos. Using the SMS, employees no longer have to depend on visible upset conditions that can be seen from the ground. The system allows them to monitor performance conditions and to be proactive instead of reactive to potential maintenance needs.

The SMS ultimately helps to eliminate downtime and the need for local inspections to evaluate performance by putting the diagnostics in the palm of your hand. The SMS will notify you of elevating differential pressure, broken diaphragms, malfunctioning solenoids, silo over pressure/hatch release, and more. Even when things run well, filters inside a baghouse will eventually wear from general operation, not unlike hitting the mileage limit on a car tire. Smart Plant SMS will track cleaning cycles to let you know when filters are reaching their end-of-life.

Unlike competitors on the market, IAC can not only install your new Smart Plant™ System, but we also can be of service for the life of the equipment, and help monitor conditions remotely to help with any over the phone troubleshooting. These added service advantages gives us the ability to have the part or the crew you need on route to repair any issues faster. Call 913-384-5511, or visit, to learn more about the Smart Plant™ Product and Services Line or to talk to a representative for a quote on your own system.

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