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Tip of the Month Video (2)

Correct Placement of HEPA Filters in Baghouse Ventilation System
Where is the HEPA filter in your industrial baghouse ventilation system located? Before or after the fan?
In this Tip of the Month Video, IAC Process Engineer Luis Castano explains how, as filtered air leaves the baghouse, proper HEPA filter placement is critical to optimal performance of downstream processing systems and prevention of possible contaminated air leaks.

Finding a Baghouse Ventilation Air Leak Before Damaging HEPA Filters
In this Tip of the Month Video, IAC Engineer Luis Castano, explains that just like baghouses, the differential pressure on HEPA filters for toxic dust must be monitored. However, if your baghouse has a leak, by the time the HEPA filter monitor indicates a high differential pressure, the HEPA filter’s performance has already been compromised, potentially causing a very expensive problem. Watch the full video below to find out how to detect a leak and prevent this problem.

Importance of Differential Pressure in HEPA Filters
In our newest Tip of the Month Video, IAC Engineer Luis Castano addresses the importance of monitoring the differential pressure on the HEPA Filters, the secondary filtration system. Excessive dust build-up on the HEPA Filters can be a warning of potential problems with the Baghouse. Watch the video to learn about what to look out for and watch more IAC Videos at on YouTube Page.

Inventory Management Tips for Frac Sand Plants
In a downturn period, cash flow is king. In this month’s Tip of the Month Video, learn the steps to take now to be ready when the market returns and the importance of inventory management from IAC’s President Bob Carter.

The Importance of Baghouse Insulation
Insulation is an important aspect of many systems, but it is vitally important for high temperature systems in winter months due to the temperature difference in and outside of the process system. If your process involves dryers, kilns or mills, proper insulation is something to monitor so that your operation can run smoothly.

The Meaning of Air-to-Cloth Ratio in Baghouse Design
IAC Applications Engineering Manager Luis Castano is back with another Tip of the Month for baghouse design. In this month’s tip, Luis explains the meaning of air-to-cloth ratio in optimized baghouse design, and its relation to both air velocity going through the filters, and interstitial air velocity going between the bags. All three parameters are important to consider in order to have your baghouse operating at peak efficiency.

How to Select the Right Pulse Valve Size for Your Pulse Jet Baghouse
In last month’s Tip of the Month Video, IAC’s Luis Castano, explained the importance of the solenoid position on a pulse valve and how it affects the efficiency of the pulse jet cleaning system in a baghouse. For this month’s tip, Luis highlights the importance of the size of the pulse valve.

Where to Install a Pulse Valve Solenoid in a Pulse Jet Baghouse
A pulse valve in a pulse jet baghouse system needs to fire with force and speed in order for the system to run as efficiently as possible. With a pulse valve, the air in the system is pressurized and contains a solenoid valve that releases the pressurization, which in turn releases the compressed air into the blow pipe.

Considering Pleated Filters for Your Baghouse?
This month's tip focus on how to determine if installing pleated filter elements in your baghouse dust collector is right for your application. Factors to consider are air-to-cloth ratio, if moisture is present, and differential pressure settings. In the right application they can be a good upgrade for existing systems.